Eid Al Fitr / Eid Ul Fitr 2025 / 1446 in Jordan
Eid alfitr will be after
The first day of Eid AlFitr in Jordan will be
Monday, 31 / March / 2025
01 Shawwal 1446
Monday, 31 / March / 2025
01 Shawwal 1446
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Time of Salat Eid Al Fitr 2025 in Amman - Jordan
and its time extends until the time of Dhuhr Prayer/Azan time, you can also pray eid ul fitr prayer/salat in your home with your family or alone if you can't go to the mosque for a serious reason.
(we will show the prayer time later)
and its time extends until the time of Dhuhr Prayer/Azan time, you can also pray eid ul fitr prayer/salat in your home with your family or alone if you can't go to the mosque for a serious reason.
The time of Eid al Fitr prayer is after the sunrise, Specifically after the sun rises to the sky and its height from the ground is equivalent to a spear height or about 2 meters stick height, and to make it more easy for you ... Eid Al Fitr prayer time will be about 15 to 20 minutes after the sunrise time in most cities and most days of the year except those cities that are located at very high latitude or in north/south earth pole.
Qibla in Amman
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- Al MafraqAl Mafraq
- At TafilahAt Tafilah
- IrbidIrbid
- As SaltAs Salt
- Az ZarqaAz Zarqa
- Al AqabahAl Aqabah
- Al KarakAl Karak
- AmmanAmman
- AjlounAjloun
- Ma`anMa`an
- MadabaMadaba
- JarashJarash
- Wadi as SirWadi as Sir
- SahabSahab
- AydunAydun
- Ar RamthaAr Ramtha
- `Anjarah`Anjarah
- Hayy al QuwaysimahHayy al Quwaysimah
- RusseifaRusseifa
- HusonHuson
- Wadi MusaWadi Musa
- Om QaiesOm Qaies
- Al AzraqAl Azraq
- Mkhym lztryMkhym lztry
- Na'urNa'ur
- Bayet RasBayet Ras
- MutahMutah
- At TurrahAt Turrah
- AlGizzahAlGizzah
- Shafa BadranShafa Badran
- Al SareeahAl Sareeah
- Marj AlHamamMarj AlHamam
- ShobakShobak
- Al KaramaAl Karama
- Kherbat asSoukKherbat asSouk
- Al ShagaraAl Shagara
- MoaqarMoaqar
- Der Abi SaiedDer Abi Saied
- HuwwarahHuwwarah
- NaeemaNaeema
- Kafr YoubaKafr Youba
- SaooufSaoouf
- Al HashimiaAl Hashimia
- Tabka FahelTabka Fahel
- RuwaishedRuwaished
- FuheisFuheis
- Om AlgamalOm Algamal
- Mkhym HatienMkhym Hatien
- Mkhym Al HusonMkhym Al Huson