Eid Al Fitr / Eid Ul Fitr 2025 / 1446 in Venezuela
Eid alfitr will be after
The first day of Eid AlFitr in Venezuela will be
Monday, 31 / March / 2025
01 Shawwal 1446
Monday, 31 / March / 2025
01 Shawwal 1446
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Time of Salat Eid Al Fitr 2025 in Caracas - Venezuela
and its time extends until the time of Dhuhr Prayer/Azan time, you can also pray eid ul fitr prayer/salat in your home with your family or alone if you can't go to the mosque for a serious reason.
(we will show the prayer time later)
and its time extends until the time of Dhuhr Prayer/Azan time, you can also pray eid ul fitr prayer/salat in your home with your family or alone if you can't go to the mosque for a serious reason.
The time of Eid al Fitr prayer is after the sunrise, Specifically after the sun rises to the sky and its height from the ground is equivalent to a spear height or about 2 meters stick height, and to make it more easy for you ... Eid Al Fitr prayer time will be about 15 to 20 minutes after the sunrise time in most cities and most days of the year except those cities that are located at very high latitude or in north/south earth pole.
Qibla in Caracas
Please Choose your city from the list down below to see eidalfitr prayer time 2025 in it
You can also use the search input field to find your city faster
- San CarlosSan Carlos
- San FelipeSan Felipe
- San Juan De Los MorrosSan Juan De Los Morros
- La AsuncionLa Asuncion
- GuasdualitoGuasdualito
- BarinasBarinas
- ValeraValera
- CabimasCabimas
- CaroraCarora
- GuanareGuanare
- Puerto la CruzPuerto la Cruz
- AnacoAnaco
- Los TequesLos Teques
- Valle de la PascuaValle de la Pascua
- Ocumare del TuyOcumare del Tuy
- CarupanoCarupano
- TrujilloTrujillo
- Santa RitaSanta Rita
- MachiquesMachiques
- San Carlos del ZuliaSan Carlos del Zulia
- Puerto CabelloPuerto Cabello
- AcariguaAcarigua
- UpataUpata
- El MantecoEl Manteco
- ChaguaramasChaguaramas
- BarcelonaBarcelona
- El TigreEl Tigre
- MaiquetiaMaiquetia
- CalabozoCalabozo
- ZarazaZaraza
- Altagracia de OritucoAltagracia de Orituco
- TucupitaTucupita
- PorlamarPorlamar
- San Fernando de ApureSan Fernando de Apure
- BarquisimetoBarquisimeto
- MaturinMaturin
- CumanaCumana
- CoroCoro
- Punto FijoPunto Fijo
- La EsmeraldaLa Esmeralda
- Ciudad BolivarCiudad Bolivar
- El DoradoEl Dorado
- MaracayMaracay
- MeridaMerida
- Puerto AyacuchoPuerto Ayacucho
- San CristobalSan Cristobal
- ValenciaValencia
- Ciudad GuayanaCiudad Guayana
- MaracaiboMaracaibo
- CaracasCaracas
- San FernandoSan Fernando
- La GuairaLa Guaira
- ChaguaramaChaguarama
- Alto BarinasAlto Barinas
- YaritaguaYaritagua
- Villa de CuraVilla de Cura
- Villa BruzualVilla Bruzual
- TurmeroTurmero
- TinaquilloTinaquillo
- TaribaTariba
- Santa Teresa del TuySanta Teresa del Tuy
- Santa Elena de UairenSanta Elena de Uairen
- San MateoSan Mateo
- ColonColon
- San Jose de GuanipaSan Jose de Guanipa
- San JoaquinSan Joaquin
- San Antonio del TachiraSan Antonio del Tachira
- San Antonio de Los AltosSan Antonio de Los Altos
- RubioRubio
- La Villa del RosarioLa Villa del Rosario
- QuiborQuibor
- Punta CardonPunta Cardon
- PetarePetare
- Palo NegroPalo Negro
- NirguaNirgua
- MucumpizMucumpiz
- MoronMoron
- MariaraMariara
- Los RastrojosLos Rastrojos
- Los Dos CaminosLos Dos Caminos
- La VictoriaLa Victoria
- Las TejeriasLas Tejerias
- LagunillasLagunillas
- Juan GriegoJuan Griego
- GueiriaGueiria
- GuigueGuigue
- GuatireGuatire
- GuarenasGuarenas
- GuacaraGuacara
- El VigiaEl Vigia
- El TocuyoEl Tocuyo
- El LimonEl Limon
- El HatilloEl Hatillo
- EjidoEjido
- CuaCua
- ChivacoaChivacoa
- CharallaveCharallave
- ChacaoChacao
- TacariguaTacarigua
- CaucaguitoCaucaguito
- Catia La MarCatia La Mar
- CarrizalCarrizal
- CaraballedaCaraballeda
- CantauraCantaura
- CaguaCagua
- BarutaBaruta
- BarinitasBarinitas
- AraureAraure
- La FriaLa Fria
- El CafetalEl Cafetal
- La DoloritaLa Dolorita